
Mihaly Martins, além de modelo, é surfista e pintor

An Interview with Mihaly Martins
photography by: Franck Glenisson
JULY 8, 2014
Mihaly Martins is more than just a pretty face. He may have rugged good looks that grace covers, editorials, and billboards, working with some of the biggest in the business, but his artistic aspirations have spurred him on to desire much more from life. Using his position of power within the industry, Martins hopes to bring hope and light into the lives of every person he meets, showing them how to unlock their inner creative potential through his paintings and organization, Vão Vive. Now, how could you not fall in love with that?

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Por Denise Cespedes

Meu nome é Denise Céspedes, tenho 3 filhos, Gabriel, Giovanna e Rafael, tento conciliar a vida de mãe e empresária.
Comecei minha carreira como modelo quando eu tinha 18 anos. Trabalhei durante 10 anos, viajei, fotografei, desfilei e conheci pessoas incríveis....

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